MG Life Designs is about co-creating a brand new architectural layout and redesign of your new life that highlights your inner and outer beauty, unique strengths, values, divine gifts and special talents. Not only will you begin to live a life that genuinely holds true for you but you get to design it as dictated by your calling so that you are also doing what you truly love. It is about revisiting your dreams and re-drawing your plans that you’ve perhaps abandoned in the first part of your life. You get to give yourself a second chance to renew, refresh and refine them. It is about modeling to go deep within your soul towards living a fuller life in total alignment and integrity because you’ve recognized that your current life is no longer working for you.

About Me

“From the moment I fell down the rabbit hole I’ve been told what I must do and who I must be. I’ve been shrunk, stretched, scratched, and stuffed into a teapot. I’ve been accused of being Alice and not being Alice but this is MY DREAM. I’ll decide where it goes from here. I make the path!” –Alice in Wonderland

Well, that about sums up why I’m here. Why I have this website. Why I am passionate for everyone to design and live a life that matters. We can start over and make a new path. It may appear insane to someone else who might cling on to what is familiar, safe, and comfortable. But insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result. Right? No thanks! Life is too short to keep playing small and continue missing out on what we’ve been called to be and do in a magnificent way.

Welcome! I’m MG.

I’ve been a compliant, responsible, do-as-I’ve-been-told, high academic-achiever-almost-went-to-med-school gal, but truth be told am really a creative-junkie turned psychotherapist who fell in the rabbit hole. Whew! That was a mouthful. But, I’m out now…from the rabbit hole. Not much into the business as usual these days.

Sometimes life events bring endearing lessons that direct us towards the freedom to create new opportunities for ourselves.

I’m doing what I really love you see. I’m living in total alignment. I’ve always known about my passion for designing and artistry as far as I can remember as a child. I’m supposed to bring color to people’s lives in whatever shape or form. I’m supposed to use my heart to help others return to who they truly are and my head to spread information that will be meaningful and useful to them so that their lives are immensely enhanced. So, here I am.

I’m being an artist. I’m splashing colors. I’m drawing outside of the line. I’m being an interior designer of life. I’m living a new life blueprint and teaching others to create one. I’ve got my new home design to include all of the divine amenities that have been part of the special package called “me.” I’ve clicked my heels like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz and with conviction have declared, “There’s no place like home.”

Home is my being. Home is my heart. Home is my mind. Home is where I’m meant to Be and Do. Home is a sacred space that I need to fully honor.

So again, welcome to my home! I am so happy to greet you. You really put a big smile on my face. You are so courageous and amazing to being open to new possibilities. Something called you here. To knock on my door. I am honored to have you as a special guest. I would love to hear about your day. Your story. Your ideas. Your dreams. Your travels. Your frustration. Your fears. Your grief. Your confusion. Your goals. Your love. Your passion. Your life!

What would you want your life to really look like? (Imagine doing what you love and getting paid for it!) How can I help you reclaim it and start over again? (Yes, you can start over!) What’s been missing lately? (Maybe a relationship, great health, a career, or just simply put, money!) Are you tired of making excuses for putting off what you’ve always wanted to do? (Oh, the conversations I’ve had in my head about this one. Too bad you couldn’t witness all the back and forth self-talk). Are you asking if it’s too late? (I used to waste my time on this one too). Or, are you just freaking scared? (Been down this road many times!) Do you need someone to wake you up by slapping you silly? (Hmm, time to wake up and start fresh!) Or maybe you just don’t know anymore whether to laugh or cry every time you look at your sad shape bank account. (Don’t cry, help is on the way!)

“There’s got to be more to life than this!”

Such is a common punctuated phrase from many whom I’ve encountered in my life that have reached their wits end. I know that I’ve said it myself time and time again. Perhaps you have too.

Whatever fills your imagination for your next chapter, it’s going to be a fabulous one! You will have an explosive year. Your new vision can be brought to reality. You just have to be willing and ready to make a change. You can redesign your master plan and take an inspiring action. I’ve got your back!

Alice said to the Mad Hatter, “This is impossible.” The Mad Hatter replied, “Only if you believe it is.”

We have our moments of struggle when our doubts and fears hold us back and make us second guess ourselves. One thing I know for sure is that we’re all in this together. None of us have to go at it alone. When we believe, it is possible.

Please don’t hesitate to come back and visit. I would love to keep hearing from you.

You matter!