MG Life Designs is an invitation to anyone who wants to close the gap between who they are and what they do; between their reality and their dream, and how to strategically achieve this with unwavering faith, clarity, and confidence. It is finally living a life on your terms and not about fulfilling the life others expected of you. It is about the freedom to living a purposeful and meaningful life, creating a career that calls to you, or being your own boss and getting paid for what you love to do. It is about challenging you to courageously stand up for yourself and declaring a new intention because you m-a-t-t-e-r! It is about asking big picture questions such as, “Why are you here in this world?”, “What are the things in life that are truly important to you?”, Why do you care so much about them?”, or “What would you regret not fully being, doing, or having in your lifetime?” It is about co-developing a phase by phase plan to getting clear about your vision; to reconstructing a new belief system; to drafting a Life Blueprint and finally, to really break ground by doing something about it. It is metaphorically and literally about pulling out the crayons, the paints, the paint brush, the colored markers, the glue, the scissors, the sketch pad, a blank canvas or a paper napkin, and putting your imagination to work and seeing a color splash of your unlimited potential unfold before your eyes. And you don’t have to be an artist to do this! Just have a vision that’s worth fighting for. But we won’t end there. With a proven step by step Life Design strategy, I will help you launch your vision, passion and ideas so that you can begin anew and also get paid to do what you love.

I am committed to helping you start your life design. Contact me at